School Insurance Solutions from Community Insurance Corporation

Look for Community Insurance Corporation at Booth 811 at the 2025 State Education Convention!
Plan to visit our Community Insurance Corporation team at Booth 811 at the 2025 State Education Convention being held January 22-24, 2025 at the Baird Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Community Insurance Corporation is not your traditional commercial insurance carrier – we’re different. As a member-driven municipal mutual insurance company owned by Wisconsin local units of government, we are focused on delivering:
• Stability in cost and coverage: with stable rates and a focus on broadening (versus excluding) coverage, we’ve demonstrated our dedication to Wisconsin school districts by doing our part to deliver budget-friendly insurance solutions and by extending coverage when new exposures present themselves (like our Cyber Enhancement Endorsement).
• Budget-neutral risk management services: We deliver custom and budget-neutral risk management resources, consultation, and training to address the exposures you face daily. Our team of five risk management consultants works in a local and dedicated fashion.
• A proactive and aggressive claim defense: Community aggressively defends our districts against claims that lack merit, and we’re not quick to the checkbook. We’ve worked hard throughout our history to develop innovative approaches to controlling claim costs – like our proactive claim feature, Pre-Claim Loss Control, which jumpstarts the claim process and engages legal resources before a claim or suit has been presented. It’s not a “legal hotline” but proactive consultation and actions with the goal of avoiding a claim or readying our defenses.
Community offers comprehensive property, casualty, and workers’ compensation coverage, with unique approaches throughout our coverage design. Here are some highlights:
• General Liability, Auto Liability, School Board Legal Liability, and Employment Practices Liability are offered on a custom, single policy. Commercial insurers generally offer these coverages on separate policies, with their own limits, deductibles, definitions, and exclusions. Our approach is to offer these coverages on a single policy form – applying the same limits, deductibles, definitions, and exclusions – thereby avoiding coverage gaps.
• Our liability limits are non-aggregated. This means your district can experience a full policy limit loss today and have the same full policy limits available tomorrow.
• Our coverage is provided on an occurrence basis. Coverage is provided for claims that occur during the policy term, regardless of when they are filed. Some commercial carriers provide certain coverage on a claims-made basis – meaning coverage only exists for claims made during the policy period. Our inclusive coverage basis avoids purchasing additional coverage for claims made outside the policy period.
• We offer automatic cyber liability coverage at no additional premium. In 2014, realizing the increasing frequency and severity of cyber losses, the Community board of directors (comprised of Wisconsin local government elected officials) began offering automatic cyber liability coverage to every liability policy we issue at no additional premium.
Community provides numerous risk management, underwriting, and claim support services that aim to:
• Limit our members’ financial exposure to loss;
• Promote member budget stability by offering complimentary services or high-value cost-sharing;
• Educate members in insurance coverage, claims, and risk management.
From the latest in cyber risk management training through our Cyber-Resilience & Education Coordination Services (C-RECS) Program to offering Certified School Risk Manager (CSRM) Scholarships to our member districts, we are dedicated to adding value and empowering our members. For a complete overview of our member services offering, download our Community Insurance Corporation Member Services Overview.
Often, a district becomes aware of a situation that may give rise to a potential claim. Though no coverage trigger exists (notice of claim, suit, or monetary/non-monetary damages) – Community developed Pre-Claim Loss Control to proactively respond to these situations. Pre-Claim Loss Control provides strategic legal consultation that will aid the district in proper handling to prevent legal action or advance a position that is removed from the difficult circumstances of the situation. If a formal claim, notice, or suit is brought, the district has already developed its legal strategy and has a head-start in the investigation and discovery. Read our Pre-Claim Loss Control white paper.
Community is proud to be the chosen liability insurance provider to WERMC (Wisconsin Educators Risk Management Cooperative). Since 2001, Community has provided liability coverage to the risk management-focused cooperative’s 68-member school districts and CESAs. Learn how WERMC is Leading the Way in Risk Management for Wisconsin’s Education Community at

To learn more about Community, please contact Josh Dirkse, Senior Vice President of Client Services at 800.236.6885 or via email or find a local Community agent. Learn more at and be sure to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.